Light bulb moment? How about you sign up for the AGM/Awards picnic?

This is your final reminder to RSVP for the zone AGM/Awards picnic.

The Edmonton Zone CSP Annual General Meeting will take place on Saturday, August 28th at 1600. This will be followed by a picnic/BBQ and a zone awards ceremony.


Sir Wilfrid Laurier Park Site #5

Time: 1600-2000

Food and non-alcoholic refreshments will be provided by the Edmonton Zone. To help us plan this, PLEASE RSVP VIA THIS LINK:

Please provide your FINAL response by Thursday, August 26.

You never know who might show up – Alberta’s uber-charismatic premier* and prestigious zone zone award (* – premier may not be attending).
REMINDER! Annual General Meeting / Awards Picnic – PLEASE RSVP!