ARTICLE BY: Sandra Williams, Calgary Zone and Mountain Division CISM Coordinator

Hi CZ CSP!  I have run this article before but I think it is worth a repeat.  I am also including at the end, the names of the CZ patrollers who are CISM-trained and part of the CZ CISM team.  They are a resource for you when you need to reach out or to simply get more information about the program. 

Critical Incident….

A critical incident is any situation or incident which causes you to experience unusually strong emotional reactions and which has the potential to interfere with your ability to function as you did prior to the incident.

Critical Incident Stress (CIS)….

When patrollers respond to a difficult or traumatic accident, it is possible they will be affected adversely by the incident to some degree.  These situations can be very much outside of our realm of “normal” and dealing with them afterwards can be very challenging.  Sometimes there can be difficulty sleeping, sometimes there may be nightmares or recurring nightmares, sometimes we can’t stop thinking about the incident, sometimes alcohol or drugs get abused, sometimes our relationships with families are affected. These are all signs that the incident has had a negative impact.

These are normal reactions, by normal people, to an abnormal event.

Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD), Defusing and Individual Intervention….

We have found that when patrollers have the opportunity to talk about the incident, share their thoughts during the incident and their reactions to the incident, it unquestionably helps in the healing process. Calgary Zone has patrollers trained to help guide these structured conversations. This process is Critical Incident Stress Debriefing and Defusing (for large or small groups) and Individual Interventions.  And simply put, it works.  It works to help mitigate symptoms, facilitate closure and return to function.

Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM)….

CISM / CISD is a critical service the Calgary Zone CSP provides internally to our patrolling teams.  If you or a fellow patroller is experiencing CIS, the sooner it is discussed, the better.  Talk to a trusted patroller.  Talk to those Patrollers involved.  Discuss it at ‘boots off’.

If you suspect a potential for post-traumatic stress for yourself or a fellow patroller(s), immediately notify your Patrol Leader and/or contact Sandra directly at  You can also contact any member of the CZ CISM Team noted below.  Please know you do not have to contact someone from your own area.  We are one team.  Everything is confidential.  Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Calgary Zone CISM Team:

Sandra Williams – Norquay

Elizabeth Oldfield – Norquay

Andrew Rodgers – Norquay

John Bannerman – Norquay

Emil Ohler – Norquay

Terry Abrams – Nakiska

Jarrett McRitchie – Nakiska

Geoff Scotton – Nakiska

Jack Haley – Nakiska

Bob Ehman – Nakiska

Adriane Scullen – Nakiska

Rebecca Sinclair – Nakiska

Dean Gould – Lake Louise

Christine Slater – Lake Louise

Amanda Robertson – Lake Louise

Joanne Sadler – Lake Louise

Marielle Flottat – Lake Louise

Dan Drysdale – Lake Louise

James Pappineau – Lake Louise

Jan Wittstrom – Nordic

Alex Fuller – Nordic

John Dilladough – Sunshine

First Aid for First Aiders by First Aiders


First Aid for First Aiders- Critical Incident Stress Management