Our ON SNOW FIRST program registration is now CLOSED. It will reopen next winter when our clubs are fully operational.

Though you will not be able to do first-aid, there are many things about the patrol that we can teach you in advance, such as accident scene management, toboggan handling, radio procedures, as well as performing tasks that a patroller could ask a bystander to perform such as holding a splint in place while they are tying it, applying pressure to a wound, or helping with accident reports back in the patrol room. All of these things are normally taught after the First-aid classes so this way you get them signed off this year. It also allows you to meet your fellow patrollers and gets you involved with the team.

The fee for the current season is $200 and is not prorated, (i.e., whether you start Dec 15th or Feb 15th it is the same amount). These fees cover the current winter season. Next fall you will need to register like all patrollers do each year and you will then be required to pay for next season’s New Patroller registration fee.

Once registered you will be put in contact with the appropriate On Snow Instructor, who will arrange to have you come out for a Ski or Snowboard Test. The level of your skiing or boarding ability must be equal, or superior, to the average ability at your local resort. If you do not meet this standard, we will refund your fee.

If you pass the standard, you now become an associate member of the Canadian Ski Patrol. For most OSF areas this means you can come out and assist the patrol on a regular basis, you will wear an arm band or other identifier that shows you are a member of our team, carry a radio, and you will normally ski with the on-duty patrollers helping them out. You do not need to pay for your day pass, some hills do vary for this policy so make sure you talk to the patrol leader while registering so you understand the expected commitment at that hill. Contact information will be provided at that time.

Next August, you will be notified to register for the new season, select your course dates, and complete your Advanced First Aid and CPR certification, meaning that when the season starts you are a fully qualified patroller and will be allowed to wear your new uniform.

Register below!

Thanks for trying to register for our OSF program. Registration is now closed. Our next On Snow program will open as of October 1st, 2025.