Joining the Kawartha Zone Patrol provides an opportunity for those Patrollers who are in transition between being assigned to a Patrol and their past Patrol.

The KZ patrol provides you with the opportunity to visit the other patrols in the Kawartha zone to see which is the best fit for you. You will be expected to visit all patrols over the season, so that you get a firsthand experience. You will be able to book your shift at a specific patrol though the new Homebase scheduler. Simply book your visit and send an email to the Patrol Leader at the patrol you are wishing to visit.

Like all patrollers, you will be required to complete all first aid training and examinations like other years.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Rob Carson at rob.carson@skipatrol.ca

If you are interested in finding out more or have questions about any of the patrols, please contact the Patrol Leader listed below:

Lakeridge – Mark Crone – mark.crone@skipatrol.ca
Dagmar – Vanessa Bright – vanessa.bright@skipatrol.ca
Kawartha Nordic – Mark Wickham – mark.wickham@skipatrol.ca